EP. 06

Unlocking Business Success: The Power of User Experience (UX) in Software Development

February 06, 2023

User experience, or UX for short, is super important in software development. It's all about how people feel when they use a piece of software, like an app or a website. In this summary, we will talk about why UX is so important and how it can help a business be more successful.

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we are going to be talking about UX user experience in apps. Yeah. Today. And you might notice we are in a new studio today. We were last week too. Yeah. But we didn't mention it, so we're going to mention it this week. Yeah. New studio today, different studio.

We have a few who are going to be trying. Bouncing around a little bit here and there, so yeah. I like the art behind us. Yeah, it's pretty cool looking. It's all colorful and stuff. Yeah. Good stuff. I don't know what it is, but I think it's just like abstract. It's not like a sky or is it a river? I don't really know.

It's fun stuff. Yeah. Good stuff. Makes me feel good in here yeah. Yeah. Kind of coincides with what we're going to be talking about today about ux. Ooh. Good segue and how people feel. Feeling good? Well, before we start talking about that let's talk about stuff that's happening in the world.

Yeah. Crazy stuff. Fun stuff. Pretty good stuff in the world of tech. GTP four has come out, GPT, GTP, GTG, PTG, GTP, those combinations of letters. GTP arranged correctly, I think it's GPT. Yeah, so we've said it so much in the past, like two weeks. That is just, which one is it?

Word. Wo...Read more

Your Co-hosts

We are Matt, Jason, and Monica. We are from Moonello. We help companies implement smart technology through software development and digital marketing so that they can thrive in the digital world.

Your Co-hosts Matt, Jason, and Monica

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